Three sets of customized Moleskine Cahier Blank Journals (9x14cm) will be available at WonderCon in Anaheim March 16-18. Each journal has been protected with fixitive. These will be available for $40 per set.
Set 1 - Endless - Dream, Death, Delirium
Set 2 - Avengers - Thor, Iron Man, Captain America
Set 3 - Marvel Babes 1 - Emma Frost, X-23, Elektra
Postcard sets featuring the art from the Moleskine minis will also be available for sale
Set 1 - $15 - All nine designs - 9 cards
Set 2 - $10 - Two of each Endless design - 6 cards
Here's the big news - Freddy Scribbles is launching a line of plush toys! Each deluxe design will be limited to hand numbers runs of 100 pieces each. A limited number of each toy is available for pre-order. Please email for more details. A
Future designs are already being planned including a line of simpler designs.
Cubies [Kyoo-Bees] are available for $35 each or a set of three for $90
March 16-18 - WonderCon - Anaheim
April 13-15 - C2E2 - Chicago
April 20-21 - Boston
April 27-29 - Calgary
Mary 24-27 - Phoenix
Aug 31 - Sep 3 - Dragon Con
Sept 15-16 - ComiKaze - Los Angeles
Endless (Delirium, Death, Dream) Property of Vertigo Comics
Avengers (Thor, Captain America, Iron Man) Property of Marvel
Marvel Babes 1 (Emma Frost, X-23, Elektra) Property of Marvel
Joker, Batman, Harley-Quinn Property of DC Comics
Cubies [Kyoo-Bees] and Punk Rock Monster Property of Freddy Scribbles Illustration
All artwork copyright Freddy Scribbles